Wednesday, August 30, 2017

We can all get along!!

I don’t really watch the news. If I have the news on, it is a local news station and all I want is weather information. I don’t watch CNN, FOX News or any of those others either. It’s depressing, infuriating, and all around unpleasant.

Basically, I get enough information to not be ignorantly uninformed.

The devastation of Hurricane Harvey has had me glued to social media and news like the rest of the state. I know people who live in Houston and the surrounding areas and thankfully are safe.

The great State of Texas has stepped up and shown compassion to the affected folks and for that I am a proud Texan. I hope the way our state has reacted the last week shows people around the USA that no matter our differences we take care of our own.

Here is what I ask from Texas and from the US of A. Once the water has receded, buildings have been rebuilt or repaired, and children are back in school while parents are back at work remember this compassion from day to day. When there is a disagreement or a confrontation step back and remember what your neighbor did for you.

Tragedy brings out the best in people. I feel like that is an oxymoron. Why can’t we always just be the best version of ourselves? The elated accomplished feeling that you have right now from donating your money, items, time or prayers to victims of Hurricane Harvey can be kept all year long! Not just on the days Mother Nature decides to tear a coast line apart. Do you remember what filled the news outlets before Hurricane Harvey? I do. We humans cannot seem to learn that if we took a moment to stop screaming at each other, blaming each other, hurting each other, and minded our own business from time to time we might get a little further in the fight.

Respect during a rally or an educated non-derogatory speech catches my attention. You know that saying "respect demands respect," think along those lines. Be the Martin Luther King Jr. and Eleanor Roosevelt for today. There are bad people in the world. I am completely aware of that and I am not asking you to sit idly by while decisions you disagree with are made for you and your Country. However, violent actions and screaming do not make me listen or want to fight for your cause. It makes me scroll past the news article on my FB feed or turn the TV off. You become white noise. I don’t think twice about you. Respect goes two ways. You show it and I’ll give it. Use the feeling you have right now from showing compassion to your neighbor when you decide to stand up for what you believe is right!! Take the chip off your shoulder, find your words and explain.

We are inundated with news. It is readily at our finger tips and for that we are constantly plugged in. It is a noise hard to escape. Take a minute to stop listening. In that quiet time listen to your gut. Listen to your head. Say a prayer. It scares me how easily someone else’s opinion is taken as the holy grail of truth. We are instantly outraged from what we see or read we don’t think rationally. Put the phone down and use your brain!

As people in Houston, the Caucasian, African American, Latino, Asian and whoever else lives there fight alongside each other to save everything they own- take a note. Working together gets us a lot further than arguing across an alley. Showing compassion and respect while treating others the way you’d like to be treated is a change of pace for the USA as of late, I pray people take notice.

I know it is not as easy as “can't we all just get along,” but honestly at this point what would that hurt? Maybe your pride? Get over yourself. This is me pleading out to the void for people to meet my expectations of being good and using their head. Take a look at the fellowship, compassion and respect going on right now in Texas and think to yourself “oh that might work.”

My title was meant with a touch of sarcasm. The news and internet pre-Harvey was filled with the normal hate filled, violent, vulgar stories it normally is. I understand that is out there in our world, but then Harvey hits and it brings out the best even in the news stations! We are holding hands, helping thy neighbor-singing Kumbaya together. Give me more of these stories because it happens more often than what you are lead to believe. I often wonder, and don't worry I have noticed when writing, "I often wonder" a lot. Get use to it, I am having revelations. I often wonder if we stopped giving the hate so much air time and demanded more happy news worthy stories what would happen?? Ignorance is bliss sometimes.

I feared writing this that it may entice negative or debate style comments. I will delete them. Yes, I invite you to read, but this is my outlet find your own for those comments.

Dear Lord,
I pray for the safety of those effected by Hurricane Harvey. I pray for the safety of those with the rescue efforts. I pray for families separated, that they find each other safely and unharmed. I pray for what is to come after; the rebuild of homes, business and each other. Please continue to watch over and guide all those that need you. Oh Lord, In your most Holy Name I pray.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

An open letter to my Mom and Dad....

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today you celebrate 38 years of wedded life together. 38 years is unheard of in a world of divorce and irreconcilable differences. When you got married did you think about 38 years in the future?? Are you where you thought you’d be? Did it ever occur to you that two little girls were taking notes? I get excited to tell people how many years y’all have stuck it out for. You earned those years. You worked hard for those bragging rights. I know it’s not always been hearts and flowers, but just like any storm there is eventually a rainbow and you have to endure the storm to get to the gold at the end.

Your marriage has set an outline for “how to have a successful marriage.” Do you feel the heat? Do you feel the pressure? Don’t start sweating yet, I am not setting you up as marriage counselors. What I mean is you live your vows. When you stated until death do you part on August 24th, 1979 you stuck to your word. You have held yourself and each other accountable.

I get so much joy at you laughing at each other! To my ear it may be the silliest conversation or joke, but one or both of you will be laughing and it makes me smile. It is a blessing to know that you both genuinely enjoy each other after 38 years!! Mom when we talked earlier this week and you told me that you and Dad were out driving around on Sunday it made me grin because people don’t do that! It’s uninterrupted time without distractions or an escape route. That freaks some people out. On the flip side on any given evening, Dad you will be in your chair watching tv and Mom is in a completely different room watching tv without y’all speaking 100 words to each other before you go to bed. Is that balance? Or just 38 years? I don’t know, but either way it works.

I’d be lying if I were to say I never hear you argue. Honestly, I’d have to be deaf. You are two different people who have different thoughts and perspectives even after 38 years of sharing a home together. Your marriage is not different from anyone else’s in that regard. However, no matter how heated an argument may get, you both seem to find a way to come together and resolve whatever the issue is. You don’t always agree, but the issue gets resolved.

I also think about the sacrifices made throughout the course of 38 years. Mom I think of you taking a two year old and baby to Church by herself because Dad was working. Dad I think of you coming home late after a long day and Shana and I already in bed and you going another day of not getting to see us. I know at some point in time you both went without something so Shana and I could have something. I am sure there are other sacrifices that I have no idea of, material or emotional, but you never complained about it. You never resented each other for it. In my mind sacrifice is huge in a marriage. Sacrifice is hard, there is no room for selfishness, it’s also not something that is forever, you do it to better another part of life and that is the reward. That is the payoff.

You are living your life together as you should be rather than just existing and floating along even at 38 years!! You are truly partners in life and that is encouraging, refreshing, and exciting to know it can be done! There is never a doubt in my mind that you don’t love each other even with all the deafening passionate arguments that occur from time to time. The love y’all committed to in front of God and family has continued through Shana and me. You continue to show us that marriage is work and to be successful you cannot be afraid to work. I look forward to that kind of work, I see the reward through y'all. I am ready to laugh, argue, and sacrifice my way to 38 years someday. 

Thank you for sticking to your word and showing it can be done! Thank you for working hard for our family. I love you both so much. Happy Anniversary!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Let’s talk Food!

Hi, my name is Shelly and I like food.

There is really nothing I won’t eat or at least try. I 100% think the reason I am not a picky eater is because there was no discussion at the dinner table growing up if I was or wasn’t going to eat what was on my plate. If Mom made something and we didn’t like, tough you were expected to eat it. Period. I was not an onion eater growing up and my Mom would put diced onion in with a can of green beans. I would eat around the onions and leave them on my plate thinking Dad wouldn’t notice. Never worked. I’d eat all the green beans and then he’d make me eat the pile of onions. There were times I thought I was going to die from onion poisoning.

The only food that I am still disgusted by is sliced pickled canned beets. I am making a face now as I think about how awful they are. We didn’t eat them often, but when we did I had to have one slice. I swallowed it whole with a water back.

A Sunday dinner tradition in the Chuck and Donna Lenz household was chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes with white gravy and corn. This dinner was requested not long ago by my Dad for Father’s Day. So we all gathered and went to fill our plates and Mom had made green beans. Shana and I looked at her questioning our very existence. She explained she didn’t have enough corn so she made green beans. Recounting this experience is bringing back those emotions of confusion and sadness. I hope it never happens again as I don’t think we could handle it. Clearly I am being overly dramatic, but I bet if you ask Shana about our meal on Father's Day 2017 there will be a comment about green beans instead of corn. Another big debate we had growing up was beans in chili. You see my Grandma Lenz put beans in her chili, remember she grew up in Iowa. My Mother being a true child of Texas says, “no beans in chili!” I honestly don’t care. It’s good either way. Beans are a great cheap filler. I love them both equally on a hot dog and on top of Fritos corn chips.

My Sister and I were born with this innate ability to be eating breakfast while planning and thinking about what we are going to eat for dinner tomorrow. It’s truly a gift and believe it annoys our respective significant others. It was important to my Mom that we leave her house knowing how to cook and she was successful in that. We not only know how, but enjoy it. I didn’t come to enjoy it until later in life, but I eventually found my way.

Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. I have a whole Pinterest board devoted to breakfast foods. I really cannot stress how much I like breakfast. People who don’t wake up hungry for breakfast are conundrums to me. I like to quote Leslie Knope and Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation,
Leslie: “why would anybody every eat anything besides breakfast food?”
Ron: “because people are idiots, Leslie.”
How can you not wake up craving eggs, bacon and pancakes drenched in syrup? Of course, I don’t really think you’re an idiot, but I question your decision making skills from time to time. A new favorite breakfast tradition is going to Hodies Saturday mornings with Jarret. I look forward to these breakfast dates especially when his Saturday’s fill up with work and of course the breakfast. 
Fun fact: I typed the word breakfast 8 times in that paragraph.

Thinking on my grocery lists a constant item listed is peanut butter. I have an awesome sweet tooth. I basically got double whammied. Both my Grandfathers had sweet teeth (teeth? tooth’s? anyway) and graciously passed it on to me. This means I love white sugar and all the forms that FOODtv can think to do with it. In order to not get type 2 diabetes I feed my sweet tooth cravings with apples and peanut butter, rice cakes and peanut butter, slices of banana and peanut butter, and spoons full of peanut butter. My apologies to people with nut allergies, but please rest in knowing I am eating your share of peanut butter.

Roasting vegetables has been something that I have fallen hard for. Fresh veggies tossed in olive oil with a little season salt or garlic salt roasted nice and crisp in the oven. YUM! I’ll often cheat and instead of tossing in olive oil, I’ll spray with non-stick cooking spray. Purple onion done this way taste just like a battered onion ring, but healthier!! Brussel sprouts, okra, sweet potato, and purple onion are my roasted veggie staples. If you try these you will not be disappointed. 350-375 for 20-25 minutes or until as crispy as you like them.

My newest favorite side dish is macaroni and cheese. Not just any mac and cheese, but Jarret’s mac and cheese. He shred’s 2-3 different cheeses, along with a bit of Velveeta, heavy cream, cream cheese if it’s on hand and adds Shiner beer to his thickening agents. There’s other stuff, but you get where I am going. It’s better than my Mom’s. I know what you’re thinking! How can you say that? Um…did you not just hear how he makes it? She’d completely understand.

Like every American I also indulge in junk food. I mean what would we do without pizza? I do my very best to avoid chunk food, but I am weak and Flamin’ Hot Cheetos and a Coke Cola can hit the spot. I also enjoy a trip to the local fast food joint. Being back in Dalhart has made me realize how much I miss Rosa’s Tortilla Factories nachos. Under $5 it was a delicious steal! I’ve heard people mention that fast food joints puts “crack” in their food to get you to come back, I believe they call it “sodium.” Salt is what makes fast food so freaking delicious. Also, as mentioned earlier my sweet tooth gets the best of me and ice cream is always a good way to shut it up. I love ice cream.

I have many food memories. You know a food memory? When you eat something and are instantly transported to a special time. Malt-O-Meal filled with brown sugar and butter immediately puts me in my Granddaddy’s kitchen on a Saturday morning hair a mess in my pj’s waiting for him to serve me this bowl of happiness. White bread toasted with real butter and a big ‘ole glass of milk to top it off. I almost can’t eat Malt-O-Meal any other way. Or a peanut butter and butter sandwich at my Grandma Lenz’s “house on the corner” for an afternoon snack while playing with my cousins. Food is special in that way. It’s better than fondly looking at an old picture and remembering the good times. You can bring some of those good times to life in the kitchen.

What are some of your favorite meals or recipes? Do you have everything you need to make it? If so, I say add it to your menu in the next couple of days. You can thank me later.

-Have a happy day!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Lovey Dovey

Love is defined on google as:
  •         an intense feeling of deep affection (noun)
  • .      a person or thing that one loves (noun)
  • .      feel a deep romantic or sexual attachment to (someone).(verb)

These definitions make love seem so easy and simple. As if everyone should do it with little to no difficulty. Is it that easy and we just complicate it? Things are black and white for me in life. I don’t really live in the gray too often. However, love is one of those gray areas and I agree it should be. It should be a bit more complicated in order to make it special when you give it away.

I love BabieCakes…here are pictures of her and all her fluffiness……


BabieCakes was the first pet that I was solely responsible for and safe to say my first love. The responsibility for a living-breathing animal is big for me. I do not have children, which means until that changes she is my fur baby child. The unconditional love that an animal shows is the purest of love, none other compares (well of course there is the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, but that’s a completely different post all together).

I made the mistake of watching Marley & Me a few nights ago and I asked Jarret, will I cry? He was very vague and said “yeah some tears may be shed.” He lied. It was full on Kim Kardashian ugly cry. My nose was plugged up, I couldn’t breathe, puffy eyed, and I woke up the next morning looking like I’d been on a drinking binge. It was a great movie!! I loved the story of the growing family and how the dog was the start of the family, but good Lord the story of the movie may not have been worth the tears. BabieCakes got some extra love that night and she was over it and me. She sauntered off tail in the air. If you follow me on Instagram (shelly_lenz) you know how much I love this furry butterball and how she makes me happy.

 I love my Mom, Dad, and Sister. Here is us…

Love for your family is ingrained at birth. I don’t believe you every really stop loving your parents, but I do hear stories of people that have a strained relationship with their parents. Hearing those stories tug at my heartstrings. I would never discount or presume to know what those people are feeling, but I definitely cannot relate. I have what could be described as a wonderful relationship with my parents and sister. Please don’t misunderstand there are times its better I don’t see them or talk to them because I am upset, but no matter the disagreements or arguments I love them for who they are. The beautiful thing about families is they grow! The addition of my brother-in-law, sweet nephew and Jarret’s family has made my heart so full it’s hard to put into words the amount of love I carry with me. Imagine that part in How the Grinch Stole Christmas when the Grinch’s heart grows and breaks the measurer, that’s my heart.

I love Jarret….and saved the best for last….

I am not going get too mushy or too personal on this particular love of my life.

The little quote next to our picture rings very true for me. I hate to say I’d given up on being in love or finding someone to love, but it was an idea that I was letting myself become more and more comfortable with.

I prayed for Jarret. Of course not him specifically, but a man like him. A friend of mine mentioned one time how she prays about the qualities she wants her in her future husband. This blew my mind. I had never thought about praying for specific qualities in a man. So I got very specific, picked three important qualities and made it part of my Adoration Prayers (for readers not Catholic ask me about Adoration and I can explain). It was years before I ran into Jarret after this “man prayer” and of course when we actually started dating it’d been 6 years since the last time I saw him and 16 years since we graduated high school. God has a sense of humor doesn’t he?? Didn’t I say I wasn’t going to get too personal?? The point is this. I’ve waited a long time to give my heart and love to someone. By gosh it was going to be someone special and God did not disappoint. Loving someone should make you feel, be and want many different things. I also have learned it’s not always rainbows and hearts. I look forward to see how my love for him grows/changes as we continue down this crazy road of life.

Because I don’t want this post to be so serious here are some of my other loves. The love of Harry Potter, Star Wars, food, books, Parks and Recreation, peanut butter, Game of Thrones, ice cream!! These loves are what make me special and connect with other people. While I’ve brought it up, I cannot stress enough if you are not watching Game of Thrones, please seriously consider it. I love this show so much that I will shamelessly plug it in a blog post not related at all.

Okay back to what I was saying…..

I understand people fall in and out of love all the time. I understand love is harder for some than it is for others, but in the end Love Is All You Need. I'm sorry I couldn’t write about love and not reference one of the most famous Beatles songs. #beatlesforever. No matter how complicated love can be imagine if we showed a more simple act of love toward those we come in contact with like a kind word, a gentle smile or a small wave. What a world this would be!?! Everyone is allowed their bad days. I have them and those are the days I need to try even harder to just be kinder and more loving! I laugh at myself because when I say these things it reminds me of the movie Miss. Congeniality when all the contestants give the answer “world peace” and how disgusted Sandra Bullock’s character is with such a generic answer. Hey, those pageant queens may be on to something!

-LOVE to you my friends.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Being a Lenz and all that entails?

What got me thinking was watching Jeremy and Jennifer's two littles, Kambry and Korbin interact with Jasper last night at a softball game. It was fun to watch them play, love, and help with their little cousin. The extra squeeze Korbin gave Jasper when hugging him made me smile.

Shelly Amber Lenz is my God given name and what this means is I come from large group of people that hale from Hartley, TX by way of Iowa, USA. My grandparents were born in Pomeroy, IA and moved to Texas in the 70’s. They had 12 children, one of them being my father Charles Paul Lenz, named after my Grandma’s brother. 

My Dad is the fifth oldest of the group. He loves telling us stories from his childhood in Iowa. You can hear the happiness in his voice when he recalls all the mischief he and his siblings use to get into on “the farm in Iowa.” This same mischief followed them to Hartley, TX. I remember seeing a clip from the Dalhart Texan Newspaper that announced the arrival of the Lenz family to Hartley. That may sound weird to you, but at the time the Lenz children were half the Hartley School population. Ha! That was a joke. Sort of. I honestly do not know why the Dalhart Texan felt that this was a newspaper worthy story, but the picture exists. I’ve heard many stories of “we use to do this” and “this one time,” these are not my stories to share and honestly some people reading may have been witness or accomplices to said stories. You may be shaking your head or smiling as you think back on them. Either way I suspect you won’t forget them.

At a young age I knew my family was different.

I am one of 26 grandchildren. 26!! Ages vary and to protect the innocent I shall not reveal their identities. My cousins are more like siblings. We spent most of our childhood together. These friendships as adults are the same. We enjoy each other’s company. We make a point to get together and we look forward to our children having the same cousin friendships we have. This is not something that happened by accident, we are a product of our environment.

Sunday breakfasts after church, nightly summer games of bloody murder/sardines/hide-and-seek, golf carts trips around the block, jumping on the trampoline pleading for our Dad’s to put it up on its side and let if fall so we go flying in the air. We had a rectangular trampoline, no child safety net like you see now. We survived. What is more astonishing is that we all survived a game of Spoons, things really got western when we played Spoons. Some of these memories are lost on my younger cousins as they did not exist yet, but they have special times with those their age.

Our family gatherings are an event I often think should be televised. The key is to remember it is a marathon not a sprint. I think back to the first Christmas after my Grandpa Lenz passed away. There were tables lined up in the garage and at every corner of these tables was some sort of game being played. I am not sure where the love of card games comes from, but when there is a group of Lenz’s sitting at a table someone is going to suggest a card game. I loved playing Mexican Train Dominoes or Phase 10 with my Grandpa, that old man would make me believe that he had the worst hand of his life and play the “poor Grandpa” card and whip everyone’s ass with a huge grin on his face.

All of these memories and many more are because my Dad and his brothers and sisters knew #1, the importance of family and spending time together, but #2 they enjoyed each other’s company! Things in that perspective have not changed. As I type they are about to finish up a trip on an Alaskan cruise. Every brother and sister were invited to attend and I am sure it was one heck of a time. I have no doubt they tried to fix each other’s problems, solve the world’s problems and then walk away from every conversation knowing they were right.

The “Outlaws” of the family would be the group my Mother falls in. The ones that willingly signed up to be part of the Lenz family. They are the brave ones. The ones that walked into the belly of the beast and came out the other side. I know that’s dramatic, but we as a group are overwhelming and intimidating. It’s the equivalent of being the new kid at school. You get asked personal questions, it’s loud with kids screaming and running around, some want to be your friend immediately, some ignore you completely, and all the while worrying about where you are going to sit at lunch. I tip my hat to you Outlaws.

As a grown adult, I see flaws in this wonderful family. Thank goodness, right? This rosy picture I was painting had to be too good to be true. In no way are we the example of a well-functioning, problem free tribe. There are demons to be slayed and internal battles to overcome for each and every one of us. No family is picture perfect. None, despite what FaceBook may lead you to believe.

Lenz family definition as I see it: A group of highly dysfunctional, yet loyal know-it-all’s, that stick up for their own all the while being compassionately loud with opinions, selfless when called to help and pitch in, and fierce hard workers who do not expect a free handout, but wipe the sweat from their brow after a job well done.

I’ve heard all my life “oh you’re a Lenz” and being back in Dalhart has magnified it ten-fold. It was mentioned recently (and this is not the first time) that as a Lenz I’d be able to help float a keg. It wasn’t said in a way to be degrading, more “those Lenz’s know how to have a good time” and we do. Even more recently I introduced myself to someone and he asked which Lenz I belong to and how that tied to Teddy Lenz. I explained Ted was my Grandpa and this gentleman use to run grain truck with him. I sometimes struggle with the beer guzzling comments vs. the hard working family comments. I guess we are both? The beer drinking good time folk after a hard day’s work? I have to remind myself, yes we can be both.

Being a Lenz and what it entails? I have absolutely no idea. I do know this. We accept the flaws that each one of us carries. We celebrate each other’s accomplishments. We gather to share a meal and be thankful. We forgive each other no matter the difference (it may take some longer than others). We count our blessings and each other.

As I started to type this I felt overwhelmed because it was important to me to convey my feelings correctly. Also, I didn’t want to disappoint any family that may read this post. I am still that little girl that wants to make everyone happy and do it right for the family. I cannot imagine being in any other tribe. My dysfunction is part of the grand master Lenz plan and I am very proud of that.

-Have a happy day friends.

Monday, August 7, 2017

What I learned over XIT weekend….

Dalhart, TX just finished up its annual XIT Rodeo and Reunion and what I learned was that this little place I call home works very hard for this event.

This year was the first year for me to volunteer. I’ve always come to enjoy the festivities that are XIT, but never been behind the scenes. I would call my volunteering minor in the grand scheme of things and I am here to tell you by Saturday afternoon I was tired, looking forward to a shower, and ready to lounge at home.

For those not familiar with XIT, I encourage you to go to the website and read about the traditions and events, This will explain without me having to ramble on to much more.
For short, The XIT Rodeo and Reunion is the first weekend of August. Events start the first Thursday of the month and continue to Saturday. Some of the things throughout these three days include:

-watermelon feed
-free pork chop feed
-tractor pull
-craft show
-XIT queen competition
-FREE BBQ feed
-live music and dances all three nights
-Of course the Rodeo!! 

There is MUCH more to add, but again check out the website:

For those that graduated from Dalhart High School this is also a weekend of reunions. Sometimes it’s a planned reunion and sometimes you run into people at random and are able to catch up. For those that no longer live in Dalhart it’s an opportunity to bring their children here to enjoy what they love most about XIT.

Traffic in town gets heavier and even though it may take you an extra 5 minutes to get from A to B or as you stand and wait for a table at La Espanola, remember this traffic is money for our little town. Mo' people means mo' money. XIT represents our little place in the world. It's a time to reflect on what makes Dalhart special. When I lived in San Marcos people would ask where I was from and I’d say “Dalhart, TX” the immediate reply I got was “oh, XIT is there.”

Yes sir it is.

People will often complain that XIT is not what it once was. I agree to some extent. I remind myself, Dalhart is not what it once was. Things change and we all have to adapt to those changes to be successful and XIT is no different. As long as the traditions at its roots are present then by all means do what you need to do to be successful for Dalhart.

Everyone has their suggestions on how they can make the XIT Rodeo and Reunion better or “what they should do.” My suggestion to those people would be, go do it! Curbside complaints are nothing but white noise. Volunteer and get those suggestions to the people in charge. Actions always speak louder than words. I know the Directors that wear those recognizable white shirts will appreciate the help, but also may be more willing to bend an ear.

What I learned over XIT weekend is this. I appreciate it more than I ever did. I enjoyed helping and being part of something good for Dalhart. It is work and could not be done if it were not for the people of Dalhart stepping up and giving of their time and talents, for this I thank you! Finally, Thank you XIT Directors. Whatever opinion there might be of how the XIT weekend is ran, each one of them along with their families devote so much more time than just this one weekend. They deserve a thank you.

I look forward to next year’s XIT Rodeo and Reunion when we will celebrate 82 years and invite any and all to come see what this is all about. By coming you keep the traditions of XIT alive.

-Have a happy day.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Hello August

A brand new shiny month is here!! The possibilities are endless. August is the beginning of the end of the year. If you’ve been by Hobby Lobby you know fall decorations are already 40% off and Christmas decorations are starting to fill every isle. In what seems like a few short weeks everything your heart desires will be flavored pumpkin spice.

I always think about The XIT Rodeo and Reunion at the beginning of the August and this week it is in full swing. People from all over will travel to our small part of the world to show us the athleticism and skill that is required from a cowboy that competes in a rodeo. We will crown Miss XIT, eat BBQ, enjoy the parade and craft show, and as always take in some rodeo. Graduating classes from Dalhart High take this time to catch up with old classmates and enjoy some of the traditions that is XIT.

Registration for back to school has started. Kids are getting class schedules and back to school shopping is in full swing. New shoes, backpacks and lunchboxes line store shelves. School supply lists are being checked and double checked to make sure all the supplies have been purchased. First time students are ready to get into their classroom and soak up all their teacher has to offer. Seasoned students may be looking forward to a new school or their senior year and what’s to come after graduation.

Farmers start to anticipate the harvest of their crop. They prepare equipment for the grueling long hours. Families prepare for their loved ones to be up early mornings and out long nights. They look forward to the reward and satisfaction of a successful yield that provides not only for their family, but people around the world.

The boys of fall are starting preseason games. Football is an American past time. We all have teams we love and teams we hate. Some prefer college football over professional. Some watch both. We go out in support of our Friday Night High School Teams and cheer them on no matter the score. If you know a kid that plays chances are you are wearing a button with his picture on it.

A few things that popped into my head today as I looked at the calendar and it read August 2nd

Hello August, I look forward to all you have to offer and I know you won’t disappoint me.

One year later.....

Here we are once again. A year since I started these writings of ramblings and thoughts. Some of the posts have been brilliant, thank y...