Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Eye Cream

I was just telling my Mom and Sister a few weekends ago that I was thinking I should invest in a good eye cream. Today I am wishing I’d bought the eye cream.

This morning washing my hair was not a morning of happy memories and enlightened thoughts. This morning washing my hair I felt old. I should rephrase. I felt 35. I was up at 5:30 am, which is whole hour earlier than I normally am. For me this is an indication I didn’t sleep well and I woke with a sore throat and achy ears.

Scrolling through msn.com this morning there was an article that said “50 Ways to Age in Reverse” so you can imagine how excited I was that there were experts out there to help me this morning when I was feeling particularly sorry for myself. I am not going to list all 50 to you, but I will list the ones I felt would benefit me the most.

#1. Start your day with an omelet
#6. Practice mindfulness
#14. Get Guac on that
#17. Don’t act your age
#28. Make happiness a priority
Now of course they had tips like walking, running, interval training, yoga and all those other types of heart healthy tips, but I hear about those all the time.

Starting my day with an omelet sounds like a win-win. It will help me age in reverse and make my empty belly happy in the mornings. If you’ve read my blogs before you know how I feel about breakfast, so eating an omelet in the morning also directly affects tip #28. Only seems logical I should make omelets a priority.

I will not lie, I Googled exactly what “practice mindfulness” is. This is what Google said,
As thoughts about the day pop into your mind, let them go and return to your breath. Next, when you get to the office, take 10 minutes at your desk or in your car to boost your brain with a short mindfulness practice before you dive into activity. Close your eyes, relax, and sit upright.

I know it sounds kind of hippie dippy, but how often do we just go from place to place in a rush and in a hurry because our schedule is packed full of this or that. If I am running just a few minutes behind on my schedule, I am not being mindful of anything and then I am operating an automobile. Have you have driven someplace and don’t remember driving there at all?? I do it all the time! I apologize Mom! We give her a hard time for the days she would be driving us to school and drove right past the school with us still in the car. I understand!! There are some mornings my mind is filled with the “to-do’s” of the day and I won’t remember brushing my teeth. Please tell me I am not the only woman that does this? I figure if there are days I can’t remember brushing my teeth then what do I have to lose from practicing mindfulness. Right?

This tip made my day! Guacamole or just plain avocado is a food we should thank God for. I know why this one made the list. Avocado is packed full of fatty acids that are good for my heart. Did you know there are people that don’t like avocado? I won’t name names, but the weirdoes know who they are. Next time you want to add guacamole to your order and the person tells you it cost extra- pay for it! You are reversing age, it’s worth every penny.

I can without a doubt say I don’t think I have ever acted my age. Why would I start now and how exactly does a 35 year old act? I go to bed early like a 75 year old women and I giggle at TV shows like FRIENDS as I did when I was 15. Acting your age is warranted in the course of a lifetime, I have bills that don’t pay themselves and my parents stopped buying me the pretty things I wanted long ago. I read a cute saying on Pinterest, “Forget dancing like no one is watching, dance like a toddler. They don’t even care if there’s music” and I whole heartedly agree.

As easy as making happiness a priority sounds, I think it is the most difficult. Even with the best intentions of being thankful and happy on Tuesday, September 12, 2017 those intentions can fly out the window from the moment your feet touch the floor in the morning. Remember I was up an hour earlier than normal today. I make a constant effort to make happiness a priority, it makes the day better and those days- make up weeks- then months and before you know it a year. Those years become a lifetime. There are many things in my life that I get happiness from that require little to nothing from me. Sunsets, sunrises, coffee, ice cream, cool mornings, getting my favorite parking spot at work, sleeping in, shopping, crafting, and the list goes on. I have a morning affirmation at my desk that is helpful when I am having a hard time finding happiness. It reads: “Today is a day of happiness and peace. I am grounded and centered. I am grateful for my beautiful life that is filled with many blessings. I move through my day with consciousness, grace, and love.” I dislike myself when I cannot find the happiness in the course of a day. I am a normal person and get frustrated with others, can be quick with cruel words and have all around bad attitude. Days like that not only suck, but they piss me off. Life is short and having a day with a piss poor attitude is a waste of time. This one tip of the 50 made the most sense to me. You can be in the best shape of your life physically, but if you are not happy it shows in your face and in your spirit.

I was hoping that writing this blog today would help me work through feeling my age today. I still feel puffy eyed and a bit “blah.” The article that helped inspire my post was perfect timing and God’s way of telling me to get over myself. He truly does have a sense of humor. However, I am still strongly considering the eye cream. What are some of your ways you battle feeling your age? Do you recommend a good eye cream?

This Tuesday will pass along with my feelings and tomorrow I’ll not feel 35 and wonder what all the fuss was about. In the meantime if you’ll excuse me, I am going to go make an omelet with a large bowl of guacamole while watching an episode of FRIENDS all the while being mindful of how blessed and happy I am.

-Happy thoughts to you friends!

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